Royo Orders – P2P

Author: Chanchal Warde 31 views

Search (Location & Product)
There are two search bars at the top of the homepage. One for selecting the location and another for finding products.

For instance, the customer shifted to Mumbai and they need a sofa for their new home. They can simply select the location and type sofa on the second search bar and enter.  They will find multiple options and choose whatever they like.

 Product page

When the customer searches for a product, they redirect to the product page.

For instance, if the customer searched for Refrigerator Fridge in Chandigarh,  the product page will show different Refrigerators posted by other customers for sale.

The filters can help to find the right product based on customer requirements. The filters are given on the left side of the product page. The customer can filter the product based on price, location, etc.

 Chat with the seller

Once the customer liked the product, they can move to the next step, i.e., chat with the seller. But to chat, the customer needs to sign up if they aren’t registered on the platform. The customer can sign up via mobile number, email, or social media.

Sell products

Customers can also become a seller on this platform and sell any product they want. There is a “sell” tab given on the homepage.  Customers can go and post their products with required details like product info, price, location, etc.

Customers need to log in before posting products for selling out.