Customers can visit the website or download the app from the play store. They can either start looking for outlets (vendors) either by first signing up on the platform using email or mobile number or using social login. They also have the option to browse through various outlets without registering themselves, but in order to place an order from a specific vendor, the customer must be signed in.
Customer > Homepage> Banners
Customers can view various banners on the app’s top and homepage screen. These banners usually display festivals, seasonal, special days, or regular offers and discounts. Customers are redirected to the associated restaurant or product category when they click on the banner.
Customer > Homepage> Vendors
Customers will see a list of vendors below the banner with the option "See All." The customer can view vendors' ratings and click to see what product that particular vendor offers. If they like any product, they can add it to their cart.
Customer > Homepage> Featured Product
After the vendor's slider, the customer can view the featured products. Featured products are marked by the admin. If the vendor contacts to admin or the admin wants to highlight a few products, that will be shown in this section.
Customer > Homepage> New Products
In this section, the customer can view the brand-new products launched by the vendors. These products are highlighted on the home page.
Customer > Homepage> On Sale
The customer can view the list of products on sale with heavy discounts. They can click "View More" to view all the products on sale
Customer > Homepage> Top Brands
The customer can view the brands in the brand's section on the homepage. They can click the view more option to view all the brands on the platform.
Customer > Homepage> Bottom Menu Footer The bottom menu footer is the last section of the homepage and lies at the bottom of the webpage. It usually contains informative pages like Privacy policy, terms, and conditions, links to vendor registration and application form, etc. The customer can check these informative pages to know more about the platform. The bottom menu footer also contains a sitemap, logo, contact information, social media icons, and an email sign-up form. For mobile application users, the bottom menu will display options like home, categories, my account, settings, etc.