Admin will be able to view the details like the total number of orders, the total value of the orders, the total cash to be collected, the total delivery fee charged, and the list of orders received.
Admin can search for a particular order from the list or apply filters like date, vendors, and order status to fetch the order data. These orders list can also be exported to CSV file format.
Admin also has the option to view specific order details by clicking on the order ID of the order in the list view. The order details include Order ID, tracking ID, order status, tracking status, ordered products, total amount, discount, shipping address, and payment information.
Admin > Accounting > Loyalty Cards
Admin can see the various types of loyalty cards applied by the customers, total loyalty cards earned, and the number of unique orders.
The admin can view the list of customers with order IDs and other details who have taken loyalty membership. This list can be filtered using date, card type, and payment mode. Also, the admin should have the ability to search within the list. This list can be exported in CSV file format.
Admin > Accounting > Promo Codes
Admin can view the total admin paid, vendor paid, promo code uses, and the number of unique users using the promo codes.
Next, the admin can explore the list of orders where the promo codes were applied and can be searched for a specific order, filtered for a particular date, by order status, and by a specific promo code. The entire list can also be exported in CSV file format.
To view an order detail, the admin needs to tap on the order id, and a new tap will open where they can view the order detail.
Admin > Accounting > Taxes
Admin can view the type of taxes applicable on various orders and the total amount collected against the orders. The list of the orders can be seen with the applied taxes. This list can again be filtered using the date and time, tax type, and payment mode. The list can also be searched for a specific order and exported to a CSV file format.
Admin > Accounting > Vendors
Admin can view the list of vendors along with the value of total orders received from various vendors, the total delivery fee charged, and the total value of commissions earned by the admin.
The list of vendors can be sorted by month or searched for a specific vendor name.
Admin > Accounting > Payout Requests
A list of orders which have been refunded, along with details like the order number, transaction ID, refund ID, refunded amount, and the destination where the refund is deposited, can be seen in this section.
Admin > Accounting > Order Refunds
The history of orders which have been refunded can be seen in this section. The order’s number, transaction ID, refund ID, refunded amount and the destination, where the refund is deposited, is all available in the order refunds section.
Admin > Accounting > Subscription Discount
A subscription discount is a type of promotional offer where customers are offered reduced pricing on a subscription service. The admin can view the total subscription discount and subscription discount on the admin’s account and vendors’ account. The admin can check a list of orders where subscription discounts are used.
It is typically done to entice customers to sign up for a subscription by making the service more affordable.
The admin can filter out the orders by date and vendor’s name and export the CSV file.
Admin > Accounting > Gift cards
The admin can get a list of orders where gift cards have been used. They can export it in a CSV format.